Did you know job fairs can be virtual? With the rise of flexible work schedules, more companies have extended their candidate search nationally. They understand that top talent can come from anywhere. But how will you stand out now that the applicant pool has expanded? Below, we will explore strategies that leverage your strengths and highlight your personality, plus you can register for a virtual job fair today. 

Where to Find Virtual Job Fairs?

Due to their remote nature, virtual job fairs will not use event spaces like in-person career fairs. However, it does not mean they are harder to attend or find, it is the exact opposite. Improve your job search strategy by using the following:

  • Search Engines
  • Event Websites (Eventbrite, Meetup, and ExpoExperts)
  • Company Career Pages
  • Social Media Hashtags and Posts
  • Recruitment Agencies and Staffing Firms
  • Email Newsletters 
  • University Career Centers

8 Ways to Leverage Virtual Job Fairs

Virtual career fairs provide a unique opportunity to connect with potential employers from the comfort of your home. However, the short online interactions can make it challenging to leave a lasting impression. Here are eight strategies to help you stand out and make the most of virtual job fairs.

1. Update Your Professional Profiles and Materials

The first thing a recruiter or hiring manager will review is your online professional profile and materials. Ensure that your resume is updated, your LinkedIn profile is accurate, and your portfolio (if required) is accessible. A blurry headshot or old information will not depict a detail-oriented, organized professional.

Also, consider sharing your excitement about the event through a social post. You can use the event hashtag and express your interest to help recruiters find your profile and put you at the top of their list. 

2. Research the Companies Beforehand 

Any job fair will provide a list of the companies and open positions prior to the event. Take some time to review those attending to identify which you want to target. Then, create a list of your top favorites to have on hand during the event. For more tips, read “How to Research Companies for Job Interviews” on the PDN blog. 

3. Contact the Recruiters Attending

From your research, you might find the contact information for the recruiters or HR representatives attending the job fair. You can connect with them on LinkedIn, send a quick email, or reach out to them through the virtual event platform before the job fair. Provide a quick introduction, name the position you are interested in, and invite them to connect with you during the fair. 

Initiating that first contact allows you to be a familiar face instead of a stranger. Plus, the more you interact with them, the more information you can receive. Do not forget that your job search process should also be a way of deciding if the company is right for you. 

4. Practice Your Responses 

Even if you meet the recruiter for 15 minutes, you will want to spend that time wisely. Practice your elevator pitch so that you do not waste any time rambling. They should leave the meeting knowing your latest accomplishments, why you are interested in their position, and what you are looking for in your next job.  

A tip many candidates like to use for virtual job fairs is to rely on transparent notes. You can draft your responses using the sticky note app and turn them transparent. It helps you remember what you want to say and keeps your eyes focused on the screen as you talk. 

5. Use the Job Fair’s Resources

Many virtual career fairs offer resources such as resume reviews, interview preparation tips, and industry insights. Be sure to check your email for information on these services, and take advantage of them prior to the fair. Even if you are confident, it never hurts to have an outside opinion to improve your strategy.

6. Set Up Your Virtual Space

They may not see your entire room and outfit, but that does not mean you should appear in pajamas. The small window the recruiters see into your life can say a lot about you as a person. If the space behind you is messy or poorly lit, it will not give the best impression.

Your virtual space is also a chance to show off your personality. Set up your camera in a place where you display family photos, artwork, or other fun touches of decor. It can be a great conversation starter and be a touchpoint for them to remember you by.

7. Engage with the Job Fair Platform

Much like in-person fairs, virtual job fairs have spaces to network, panel discussions, and more. Engage with the virtual platform to interact with other job seekers and industry professionals. You never know who you will meet and what you may learn.

8. Follow Up Afterwards

Recruiters will meet many candidates during the fair, and the way to stand out is to follow up. Reach out to them after the event or up to one week after to thank them for their time and reiterate your interest. Developing your follow-up strategy will give you a push above the rest. 

Register for a Virtual Career Fair Today!

Working with hundreds of companies across the nation, TalentAlly, a rebrand of the Professional Diversity Network (PDN), connects qualified candidates like you to their next employer. Find jobs with Capital One, Hyatt Hotels, or Mazda at one of our upcoming virtual job fairs!